A1 Education

Empower your academic journey through the A1 Experience. Online tutoring made just for you.

How it works.

An outstanding place for education!

All Online

Curated Lessons

Flexible Schedule

A1 Experience

How we teach.

At A1 Education, we prioritize depth over rote memorization. We've crafted a holistic educational approach that ensures all-rounded growth for each learner. Our lessons artfully balance fresh concepts with a review of foundational topics.

This cyclic system bolsters knowledge retention and deep understanding, crucial for sustained academic achievement. Recognizing the power of hands-on experience, we integrate vital practical elements into our curriculum.

Trusted by students from

Penrith High School

Cumberland High School

Cherrybrook Technology High School

Strathfield Girls High School


Year 7-10


  • 2 hour lessons
  • 10 lessons
  • $500 p/term

Year 11-12


  • 2 hour lessons
  • 10 lessons
  • $600 p/term

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